- hollow-charge projectile
- кумулятивный снаряд
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
hollow-charge projectile — kumuliacinis sviedinys statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pagrindinis sviedinys šarvuotiesiems objektams naikinti. Šarvas pramušamas kryptinga ugnies srove, o už šarvo esantys žmonės kaunami šarvo skeveldromis ir sprogstamojo užtaiso dujomis.… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
shaped charge projectile — kumuliacinis sviedinys statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pagrindinis sviedinys šarvuotiesiems objektams naikinti. Šarvas pramušamas kryptinga ugnies srove, o už šarvo esantys žmonės kaunami šarvo skeveldromis ir sprogstamojo užtaiso dujomis.… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
hollow charge — noun : an explosive which concentrates its force in one direction (as in a projectile designed to blow a hole through armor plate) … Useful english dictionary
Hollow atoms — (discovered in 1990 by a French team of researchers around Clayton Kirk) are short lived multiply excited neutral atoms which carry a large part of their Z electrons (Z ... projectile nuclear charge) in high n levels while inner shells remain… … Wikipedia
Shaped charge — Sectioned high explosive anti tank round with the inner shaped charge visible … Wikipedia
Shell (projectile) — This article is about the artillery projectile. For the small arms ammunition, see Shotgun shell. Some sectioned shells from the First World War. From left to right: 90 mm fragmentation shell, 120 mm pig iron incendiary shell, 77/14 model 75 mm… … Wikipedia
M107 projectile — fuzes fitted The M107 155mm projectile is the US Army and US Marine Corps standard high explosive (HE) projectile for howitzers. It is a bursting round with fragmentation and blast effects.DevelopmentThe M107 is a development of the M102 155 mm… … Wikipedia
Balle (projectile) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Balle. Quand une balle n a pas été tirée, et qu elle est munie de sa douille, on parle aussi de balle pour désigner l ensemble balle + douille … Wikipédia en Français
shaped charge — noun : an explosive charge the energy of which is focused in one direction; especially : a charge in a projectile so packed that an empty cone is left in the nose in which the force of the explosion on impact is directed largely to the front with … Useful english dictionary
Artillery — For other uses of the term, see Artillery (disambiguation). Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric Ancient … Wikipedia
kumuliacinis sviedinys — statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pagrindinis sviedinys šarvuotiesiems objektams naikinti. Šarvas pramušamas kryptinga ugnies srove, o už šarvo esantys žmonės kaunami šarvo skeveldromis ir sprogstamojo užtaiso dujomis. Šiuolaikinis kumuliacinis … Artilerijos terminų žodynas